Staying Safe

Tips for Staying Safe

Survivors of sexual assault are never to blame for acts of violence committed against them.

Instead, it is the responsibility of all of us, as members of the Merrimack College community, to take reasonable steps to stop and prevent sexual harassment and assault. Here are some recommended tips to help keep yourself and your friends safe:

  • Plan to have somebody walk you home from a party or gathering, especially if it is in an unfamiliar place. Never let friends walk home alone.
  • Keep track of your friends and who they are with; have them do the same for you.
  • Don’t accept beverages that have been prepared by somebody else or are handed to you already opened. Don’t leave your drink unattended.
  • Charge your cell phone before going out and keep it in a place where it is easily accessible.
  • Take major, well-traveled and well-lit routes rather than less populated shortcuts.
  • If you are going to drink alcohol, know in advance how much and what kind of alcohol you are comfortable consuming without becoming incapacitated, as well as where it will come from.
  • Have an exit strategy ready for you and your friends to leave a party or gathering that feels unsafe.
  • Have a designated driver who will not be using alcohol or other drugs.

There are several free apps for your smart phone that can help you keep track of your blood alcohol content and how it changes over the course of the night.  You can also find apps that can send text messages to a set list of contacts at the push of a button, including a map of your current location using GPS.

The Merrimack College Police Department offers free Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) classes and several other safety resources, including campus escort services and emergency telephones located throughout campus that can quickly connect you with a police dispatcher. Contact the Merrimack College Police Department for more information on these resources.