Merrimack Anti-Violence Education Network

Welcome to MAVEN

Letter From the Title IX Coordinator

To the Merrimack College community:

Merrimack College seeks a campus community that is free from all forms of sexual misconduct, harassment and violent behavior. Our mission is inspired by our Catholic faith and Augustinian values. We believe that all members of our community deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and care, and we hope that this website will provide you with information and resources to navigate these difficult situations.

The Merrimack Anti-Violence Education Network (MAVEN) website was created to act as a centralized resource of information, policies and resources for prevention and education. Here, you will find the college’s policy on sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking, as well as reporting options, an outline of college procedures and medical and counseling services.

We are committed to fostering a safe, healthy environment where students can learn, employees can work and visitors can visit without fear of violence, harassment or retaliation. We strive to create a culture of prevention and education, where the expectations of our community are clear to all, and perpetrators are held accountable for their actions through a swift but fair response.

Thanks to the ongoing partnership of many offices on our campus, we will continue to offer and grow educational programs and training sessions for students, faculty, staff and their loved ones. Merrimack College supports all members of our community, but we cannot do it alone. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the resources on this website and invite you to engage in a campus wide dialogue on these important issues.


Caitlyn Bosworth
Title IX Coordinator