Lauren Belmonte '05

Lauren Belmonte ’05

Environmental Science Major, Class of 2005
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Change is Simple

Environmental Science Alumna Reflects On Merrimack's Influence

Lauren Belmonte ’05 graduated with a degree in environmental science from Merrimack College. After graduation, Lauren entered the world of consulting and realized that there was a great need for educating our younger generations in a way that made sense to them. “I was working in the environmental science consulting field with biologists. My brother-in-law is an elementary school teacher and mentioned how they have such a small amount of time to teach kids about environmental science, and how it’s all very general lessons. I started coming to classrooms to speak with kids, and this eventually led to something more active and hands-on as a collaboration between myself and my husband.”

There was a need for hands-on educational experiences regarding sustainability and environmental sciences in elementary school children, and that was a void both Lauren and her husband Patrick sought to fill. “My husband is very creative and has a lot of experience working with kids, and he helped design the first program for waste reduction. After the teachers and students responded so well, the programs continued to build and grow throughout different schools across the state. After we received our first funding, we were able to hire our two volunteers and watched Change is Simple grow from there.”

“The way we teach excites and empowers kids to make a difference in their own world—at school, at home and in their community. I knew the importance of inspiring the next generation to be aware and act as stewards.”

In 2011, Lauren and her husband Patrick started Change is Simple, teaching young students about climate and sustainability by engaging them in hands-on, interactive activities that incorporate science, technology, engineering and math. Kids learn how simple changes they make in their everyday lives can help the planet. “We decided to focus on elementary and middle school ages because that is when kids are most open developmentally to building new ideas and lasting values.”

“As an environmental science and sustainability major, it was a smaller cohort which helped me a lot in the way I learned best. Merrimack’s professors took the time to help mentor us and connect us with real world experience in the field. A lot of my passion for environmental conservation and work thrived through the ESS program. I remember being encouraged at Merrimack, as a young woman, to pursue a career in science. I certainly hope that Change is Simple inspires young girls to pursue the STEM fields moving forward.”

“I remember assuming that there was only one or two pathways that I could take as an environmental science student, and I would want anyone in this field to know there are truly a lot of options. If you’re interested in field work, go for it, but it isn’t the only option for you. There’s consulting, sustainability consulting, education – a whole new world is opening up, and I think being open to the possibilities while trying not to pigeonhole yourself is most important!”