Elise Persicketti '23


Elise Persicketti

Unit 1: Note Names to The Circle of Fifths

My senior project brings a cornerstone of music theory, the circle of fifths, into elementary classrooms. The circle of fifths consists of a succession of all possible major and minor keys that are visually represented in a circle. The lesson plans I have created provide a strong foundation for students to understand important music theory concepts, beginning with how to read basic Western music notation and ending with understanding the circle of fifths. I also created visual aids that are interactive in nature. These visual aids include magnets for a classroom whiteboard and a floor mat designed after the circle of fifths. In addition to writing lesson plans, I composed an original song based on the circle of fifths. This song emphasizes the order of the major keys, as well as how the perfect fifth interval sounds. The instrumentation of the composition incorporates both voice and piano but can be sung without the use of piano accompaniment.

Music education is extremely important, especially for developing brains. As a Music major and future elementary school teacher, I want to incorporate music into my teaching methodology. I believe creating an informational and entertaining song about music theory will bring an element of fun into the classroom. My hope is that learning about the circle of fifths will lead students to explore music on a deeper level and expand their interest in the arts.

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