Teaching Assistantships

Teaching Assistantships

Work alongside Merrimack faculty inside the jail as a Jail Education Project teaching assistant.


Interested in serving as a teaching assistant? Email jail-ed@merrimack.edu

“The internship showed me that it is incredibly important to immerse ourselves in experiences that may help others even if it may be uncomfortable or difficult for ourselves.”

Earn Course Credit

There are several options for earning course credit as a teaching assistant (TA). Interested students should talk to one of our co-directors Brittnie Aiello or Emma Duffy-Comparone about applicable courses. You may also serve as a TA on a volunteer basis.

What You’ll Do

  • attend lectures with faculty
  • staff study halls
  • offer one-on-one help with assignments
  • run study sessions and writing workshops

“The teaching assistant internship inside both jails really opened my eyes to the world of incarceration and inspired me to do a research paper for another class about the real costs of incarceration within the U.S.”