Submit Your Merrimack College-Affiliated Event Now
Please note: This workshop will be facilitated by Stephanie Letourneau. This session is part of an eight-part series called “Mindfulness Fundamentals for Educators”. You are invited to attend all of the sessions or you may pick and choose the session(s) that work best for you, your interests, and your schedule. Certificates of participation (1 hour) will be provided.
This opportunity will be presented in a hybrid modality. We will host the event in person and on campus, but we will also live stream the session on Zoom. Once you RSVP, additional information and logistics (i.e. parking map, Zoom link, etc.) will be emailed to you prior to the session.
The Student Government Association’s Academic Affairs Committee (SGA) worked with faculty and the Office of the Provost to include American Sign Language (ASL) as part of the College’s foreign language requirement starting in spring 2024.