Submit Your Merrimack College-Affiliated Event Now
Winston School of Education & Social Policy
If you need to take the MTEL Foundations of Reading Test, you won’t want to miss this session sponsored by Merrimack College! Too often test-takers try to “go it alone” and wind up studying for the test on their own without the benefit of a road map. This introductory session will demystify the test and will include:
-An Overview of the Test (i.e., structure, content)
-How to Make a Study Plan
-Tips for Preparing for the Multiple Choice and Open Response Questions
-Introduction to the Self-Paced Virtual Modules and Self-Paced Study
Free Resources: You will also leave with a Padlet of resources to support your independent study.
This workshop will be facilitated by Jennifer Yaeger, Director of Elementary School Partnerships at Teaching and Learning Alliance, Inc. This event is free and open to Merrimack College undergraduate and graduate students. Please register below to secure your spot and to receive reminder emails.
Now in its second year, Merrimack College’s student-led Breaking Bread aims to foster discussion around the ways personal journeys enrich the campus community.