


Associate Professor
Research Interests
  • STEM education
  • Early algebra
  • The role of technology in education
Research Summary

Dr. Rena Stroud is an Associate Professor of Education and quantitative methodologist with areas of expertise that include study design, basic ANOVA and regression techniques, hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling, and inter-rater reliability estimation. Her primary areas of interest include the development of children’s mathematical knowledge and the use of technology for teaching and learning. Dr. Stroud has presented at numerous conferences on education, child development, and cognition (e.g., AERA, NARST), and has published widely in top-tier journals (e.g., Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, American Educational Research Journal).

  • Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • M.S., Developmental Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • B.A., Psychology, Saint Anselm College
Areas of Expertise
  • Educational technology
  • Math pedagogy and teaching methods
  • Teacher preparation
  • Quantitative methodology
  • Hierarchical linear modeling
Recent Publications

Stephens, A., Stroud, R., Strachota, S., Stylianou, D., Blanton, M., Knuth, E., & Gardiner, A. (2021). What early algebra knowledge persists one year after an elementary grades intervention? Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 52(3), 332-348.

Blanton, M., Isler-Baykal, I., Stroud, R., Stephens, A., Knuth, E., & Gardiner, A. (2019).
Growth in children’s understanding of generalizing and representing mathematical structure and relationships. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 102, 193-219.