My primary research focuses on promoting physical activity within underserved populations, specifically focusing on its impact on the treatment and prevention of chronic conditions that disproportionately affect these communities. One specific subpopulation I am particularly interested in is Black men, who often face unique challenges when engaging in regular physical activity. My initial research has primarily revolved around delving into the psychological determinants that influence the physical activity levels of Black men. By understanding the underlying factors that hinder or facilitate their engagement in exercise, I strive to develop effective interventions that motivate this population to adopt and maintain a physically active lifestyle.
Oliver, MD, Morton, AL, Baldwin, DR, Datta, S. A pilot study exploring the relationship between wellness and physical fitness: an examination into autonomic health. Journal of American College Health. 2019 Apr 8:1-8. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2019.1596919.
Morton, AL, Aranda, M, Yates, DT, Anderson, CL, Hornbuckle, LM. An Exploratory Study on Determinants of Regular Indoor Group Cycling Participation in Racially Diverse Adults. SAGE Open 9.3 (2019): 2158244019863568.
Arguello, D, Anderson, K, Morton, AL, Freedson, PS, Intille, SS, John, D. Validity of proximity sensor-based wear-time detection using the Actigraph GT9X. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2017:1- 6. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1398891
Toth, LP, Park, S, Pittman, WL, Sarisaltik, D, Hibbing, PR, Morton, AL, Springer, CM, Crouter, SE, Bassett, DR. Validity of Activity Tracker Step Counts during Walking, Running, and Activities of Daily Living. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2018: 52-59. doi: 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000057
John, D, Morton, AL, Arguello, D, Lyden, K, Bassett, DR. What is a Step? Disparity in Step-Detection Criteria in 3 Research Activity Monitors. Sensors 2018, 18, 1206. doi:10.3390/s18041206
Merrimack's new Shared Instrumentation and Research Facility (SIRF), will serve as an on-campus research hub for biology, chemistry and other life science initiatives.