Associate Professor, Philosophy
“Sexual Injustice and Willful Ignorance.” In The Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies, 2nd edition, eds. Mattias Gros and Linsey McGooey (New York: Routledge, 2023)
“Responsibility for Sexual Injustices: Toward An Intersectional Account.” Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy, v. 37, no. 2 (2022): 422-446.
“What Isn’t New in the New Normal: A Feminist Ethical Perspective on COVID-19.” Ethics Forum, Special Issue: After Covid: ethical, political, economic and social issues in a post-pandemic world, v. 16, no. 1. Winter 2021:
“Continental Feminist Ethics.” In The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy, eds. Kim Q. Hall and Ásta (Oxford University Press, 2021)
“The Problems and Potentials of Vulnerability.” In Vulnerability and the Politics of Care: Transdisciplinary Dialogues, eds. Victoria Browne, Jason Danely, and Doerthe Rosenow (Oxford University Press, 2021)
“Undoing the Subject: Feminist and Schizoanalytic Contributions to Political Desubjectification.” In Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Feminism, eds. Janae Scholtz and Cheri Carr, (New York: Bloomsbury Press, Schizoanalytic Applications Series, 2019)
Food, Environment, and Climate Change: Justice at the Intersections, co-edited with Sarah Kenehan (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2018)
“Beyond Bounded Selves and Places: The Relational Making of Vulnerability and Security.” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, special issue on Phenomenology and Vulnerability, v. 49, no. 3 (2018): 229-242.
“Vulnerability and Victimization: Rethinking Key Concepts in Feminist Discourses on Sexual Violence.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, v. 42, no. 1 (2016): 1-28.
“The Perils and Privileges of Vulnerability: Intersectionality, Relationality, and the Injustices of the US Prison Nation.” PhiloSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism, special issue on Queer, Trans, and Feminist Responses to Mass Incarceration, v. 6, no. 1 (2016): 43-59.
The band performed at various locations throughout Belfast, Northern Ireland, as part of Merrimack College’s participation in the 2024 Friendship Four.