Mental Health, Physical activity and wellness, Athletic training education and curriculum
Bowling, A., Peacock, J., & Poloskey, L. (2020). Physical Activity, Social Support, and Anxiety in Undergraduate Students Shifting from On-Campus to Remote Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journal of American College Health (Under Review)
Poloskey, L., Finn, K., McInnis, K., Dowdie, B., Keneally, F., & Bowling, A. (2020). Under Review. Adapting Active Science to Physical Education Curricula: Examining Feasibility and Acceptability in Low-income, Urban Public Schools. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (Under Review)
Bowling, A., Poloskey, L., McInnis, K., & Finn, K. (2019). Using Active Science® Improve Both MVPA and STEM Learning through PE in Urban Schools. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.
Tuner, J., Tollison, A., Hopkins, B., Poloskey, L., Fontaine, D., Piatt, R. (2019). Communication and Sport. Sport-Related Concussion Education and the Elaboration Likelihood Model: Need for Cognition as Mediator between Health Literacy and Concussion Education Efficacy. Communication and Sport
Mandeville, D., Perks, L., Benes, S., Poloskey, L. The Mindset and Intellectual Development Scale (MINDS): Metacognitive Assessment for Undergraduate Students: Journal Manuscript Accepted; International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2018:30(3):497-505.
Benes, S., & Poloskey, L. Clute Institute, Dublin Ireland. 2019; Oral Presentation, Student Perceptions of a Mindset and Metacognition Intervention.
Poloskey, L., Finn, K., McInnis, K., Keneally, F., Dowdie, B. & Bowling, A. SHAPE America, Tampa, FL, April 2019; Oral Presentation. Adapting Active Science to Physical Education Curricula: Examining Feasibility and Acceptability in Low-Income, Urban Public Schools.
Mandeville, D., Perks, L., Benes, S., Poloskey, L. Clute Institute, Barcelona Spain, June 2018; Oral Presentation. The Mindset and Intellectual Development Scale (MINDS): Metacognitive Assessment for Undergraduate Students.
Poloskey, L. New England American College of Sports Medicine, Providence RI, September 2017; Poster Presentation. Variations and Consistencies Amongst Full Time Faculty Preceptors and Graduate Associate Preceptors Instructional Behaviors Within Doyle’s Task Systems
Poloskey, L. Northeast-10 Health and Safety Summit, Providence RI, June 2016; Oral Presentation, Sleep and the Student-Athlete
Poloskey, L. Eastern Athletic Trainers Association, Mashantucket CT, January 2014; Poster Presentation. Similarities and Differences between Full-Time Faculty Preceptors and Graduate Associate Preceptors
National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) Emerging Educator Award, 2020
Double major Audrey McGill chats with us about her camp counselor experience.