Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
My primary research goals are directed toward developing new technologies and decision-making tools to advance the analysis and design of complex dynamic systems. In particular, my interdisciplinary works apply elegant mathematical models, artificial intelligence, and advanced simulation techniques for decision support in the design, construction, and operation of infrastructure systems.
Karan, E. P., Asgari, S., & Asadi, S. (2023). Resilience assessment of centralized and distributed food systems. Food Security, 15(1), 59-75.
Sherafat, B., Rashidi, A., & Asgari, S. (2022). Sound-based multiple-equipment activity recognition using convolutional neural networks”. Automation in Construction, 135, 104104.
Karan, E., Asgari, S., & Rashidi, A. (2021). A Markov decision process workflow for automating interior design. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 25(9), 3199-3212.
Asgari, F., & Asgari, S. (2021). Addressing artificial variability in patient flow. Operations Research for Health Care, 28, 100288.
Karan, E., & Asgari, S. (2021). Resilience of food, energy, and water systems to a sudden labor shortage. Environment Systems and Decisions, 41(1), 63-81.
Asgari, S. (2020). Comparative analysis of quantitative bidding methods using agent-based modelling. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 37(3), 81-99.
Asgari, S., Awwad, R., Kandil, A., and Odeh, I. (2016). Impact of Considering Need for Work and Risk on Performance of Construction Contractors: An Agent-based Approach. Automation in Construction, 65, 9-20.
Awwad, R., Asgari, S., & Kandil, A. (2015). Developing a virtual laboratory for construction bidding environment using agent-based modeling. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(6), 04014105.
Asgari, S., Afshar, A., & Madani, K. (2014). Cooperative game theoretic framework for joint resource management in construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(3), 04013066.
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