Associate Professor, Education
Dr. Garrone-Shufran’s research explores the question of how best to prepare future teachers to work with a diverse population of learners. She has examined English as a Second Language teachers’ ideas about advocacy for English learners and the teachers’ self-reported advocacy actions. Other research has focused on preparing general education teachers to integrate language into their lessons and building empathy for immigrant students and their families via a community engagement project. In her work with the Youth Voice project, she has collaborated on research and writing projects related to the civic engagement of youth in underserved communities.
Garrone-Shufran, S., Dobbs, K.L., & Hsu, L.M. (in press). Generation Z and civic engagement in a pre- and post-vaccine world. In S. Maddanu & E. Toscano (Eds.), Sociology of pandemic: Inequalities, social justice and democracy. Routledge.
Garrone-Shufran, S. (2023). Equity for emergent bilinguals: What every teacher needs to do (pp 175-196). In J. Etim & A. Etim (Eds.) Handbook of research on solutions for equity and social justice in education. IGI Global.
Garrone-Shufran, S. (2022). “I think you have to be a fighter”: Novice ESL teachers’ descriptions of advocacy for emergent bilinguals. Teacher Education Quarterly, 49(3), 48-69.
Dobbs, K.L., Hsu, L., Garrone-Shufran, S., Barber, N., Kourouma, F., Perez Castillo, Y., & Rich, S. (2022). Centering youth voices: An interdisciplinary approach to civic engagement. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 40(2), 11-38.
Garrone-Shufran, S. (2022). Using reflection to prepare ESL teachers to become advocates. Multicultural Education, 29 (1 & 2), 34-36.
Garrone-Shufran, S. (2021). Connecting with families of ELLs. The Teacher Advocate, 28(4), 12.
Maxwell Beland ’24, who will graduate from Merrimack's School of Arts and Sciences on Friday, May 17, was awarded the Merrimack Medal for exemplifying outstanding character and achievement of service to his classmates and the College community.