Interim Dean, School of Arts & Sciences & Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Professor, English
My research explores the relationship between 17th- and 18th-century British literature and history, with a focus on politics and Enlightenment thought.
“Samuel Johnson and Autobiography: Reflection, Ambivalence, and ‘Split Intentionality’” New Essays on Samuel Johnson: Revaluation. Ed. Tony Lee (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2018).
“Johnson’s Fallen World.” Theology and Literature in the Age of Johnson. Ed. Melvyn New and Gerard Reedy (University of Delaware Press, 2012). 131-146.
“Politics.” Samuel Johnson in Context.” Ed. Jack Lynch (Cambridge University Press, 2012). 303-11. “Richetti’s Narratives.” Eighteenth-Century Life. 36:1 (Winter 2012). 89-92.
“Who am I?,” a new four-credit course for all first year students asks students to think critically about their futures.