Interim Dean, School of Arts & Sciences & Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Professor, English
My research explores the relationship between 17th- and 18th-century British literature and history, with a focus on politics and Enlightenment thought.
“Samuel Johnson and Autobiography: Reflection, Ambivalence, and ‘Split Intentionality’” New Essays on Samuel Johnson: Revaluation. Ed. Tony Lee (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2018).
“Johnson’s Fallen World.” Theology and Literature in the Age of Johnson. Ed. Melvyn New and Gerard Reedy (University of Delaware Press, 2012). 131-146.
“Politics.” Samuel Johnson in Context.” Ed. Jack Lynch (Cambridge University Press, 2012). 303-11. “Richetti’s Narratives.” Eighteenth-Century Life. 36:1 (Winter 2012). 89-92.
Wide receiver and kick return specialist Donovan Wadley ’26 was named to the preseason watch list for the 2024 Walter Payton Award. He becomes the first player in Merrimack College history to be named to the preseason list for the award presented annually to the national offensive player of the year in the Division I Football Championship Subdivision.