Alec Pettit '2026, Honors Student

Alec Pettit

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2026

“The Honors Program has enhanced my experience at Merrimack not only academically but socially as well. I have always been someone that strives in social settings and the Honors Program gives me just that. The Honors Programs allow me to make connections with different people on campus from varying backgrounds, lifestyles, and majors. These people in the Honors Program have become not only colleagues and classmates but some of my closest friends as well.”


“My journey through Merrimack has been intertwined with the Honors Program from day one. I have always been a part of the Honors Program and wanted to become more and more involved over my time here. The Honors Program provides many opportunities to get involved and that is the biggest advice I can give to prospective Honors students, to GET INVOLVED. The Honors Program has always supported me, not only academically, but it also supports me in my athletics just as much as in the classroom.”


“What I love most about the Honors Program is how judgment free everyone in the program is. The Honors Program gives everyone a space to connect and be themselves without ever getting looked at differently. The Honors Program is a blend of many different people and groups across campus, but everyone is a part of the Honors Program.”