Get Involved
Whatever your area of studies, there’s an opportunity for you to participate in service learning.
- Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Financial Analysis
Communication Studies
- Group Communication
- Domestic Violence
- Applied Adolescent Psychology
- Child and Adolescent Development
- Diversity, Social Justice & Ethics
- Psychology of Learning & Assessment
- Teaching Science, Health & Physical Education
- The Exceptional Learner
Health Sciences
- Anatomy & Physiology I & II
- Nutrition, Diet & Health
- Health Behavior & Promotion
- Global Public Health
- Foundations of Math II
Political Science
- Politics of Food
- Politics of the United States
- State & Local Politics
- The American Presidency
- The Legislative Process
Religious and Theological Studies
- Christianity in Context
- New Testament
- Sex, Politics, Religion & St Augustine
- Social Ethics
Social Justice
- Introduction to Social Justice
- Latinos in the US