Attendance Taker via Facial Recognition App

Attendance Taker via Facial Recognition App

Computer science major created an Android app that allows teachers to take attendance in an automated fashion by utilizing built-in Android APIs for facial recognition and computer vision.

About the Project


As a semester-long independent project, Gavin Killough created an Android app that allows teachers to use facial recognition techniques to take class attendance. The app plugs into a Google Sheet of attendance so that attendance is taken throughout the semester automatically.

The app uses facial recognition algorithms available from professionally-developed libraries, as well as Google’s API (which stands for Application Programming Interface). The app was also designed using modern Android app design practices. The app is currently in prototype stage and will be moving into the Google Play store soon.


Gavin Killough ’19, Computer Science 


Christopher Stuetzle, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Computer Science

Assignment Type

Independent study project

Languages/Code/Programs/Technology Used
  • Java’s facial recognition APIs
  • Google APIs
  • Java and Android Studio

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