Squares Card Game
Computer science major designed and developed a two-player tactical battle video game.
About the Project
Squares is a turn-based tactical card game prototype built by Ronnie Lusso during a semester-long independent project, overseen by Prof. Stuetzle. The game was built from scratch using the Unity Game Engine, an industry-standard game engine used in professional game development. Ronnie built the art assets for the game himself.
In the game, players utilize a pre-built deck of cards. On their turn, they play a card from their hand to summon creatures to the game, move their pieces around the square grid game board, attack other players and perform special actions to gain advantages over their opponent.
Players who have summoned creatures to the board may see their status using the well-designed User Interface. As creatures move around the board, they take control of areas on the board, boosting their own chances to win by providing additional “mana,” the currency needed to play cards. To win the game, a player must either destroy all enemy creatures or capture the entire board.
As part of the development process, Ronnie analyzed the fundamental ideas of “play” and “fun” to develop a prototype that takes the user experience into account as much as possible.
Ronnie Lusso ’21, Computer Science
Christopher Stuetzle, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Computer Science
Assignment Type
Independent study project
Languages/Code/Programs/Technology Used
- Unity Game Engine with C-sharp