Cailey Brickett '24

Graphic Design

Cailey Brickett

Saving Hallows Eve

My project is a Halloween-themed children’s book. The book teaches young children about the history behind how Halloween came to be. The story is set on Hallows Eve, where the five characters are trying to save the holiday. The Boogie monster has stolen the magic crystal that allows the characters to pass from Hallows Eve to Earth. They hit some obstacles along the way, but in the end, the story teaches children that a few bumps in the road doesn’t mean that the result won’t be just as great. 

This story was important for me to create for a few reasons, one being that I have always had a passion for drawing and illustration. I have also always loved Halloween and kids. I wanted to teach children the importance and history behind the holiday. Although I did not pursue a career in children’s education, it has always been important to me. 

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