Service – Email Group

Email Groups

(Also known as: mailing lists, Listserv)


Eligible: Merrimack College Community

Availability: 24 Hours, Daily Support:  IT Support Hours

An Email Group permits email to be sent to a group of email addresses via one convenient address. Subsequent replies can be directed to the sender or back to the whole list—facilitating an email conversation.

Sample uses:

The All Employees group permits only authorized senders to send email to all college employees.
All members of the closed-membership SGA Reps group can post messages and replies to the group.
Archived messages allow new group members to get up to speed quickly.

How to request this service:  call 978 837-3500 (x3500) or email [email protected].

Restrictions:  Each group must have an individual responsible for monitoring the group and managing membership.
Groups are available for student organizations recognized by the SGA.
Off-campus group members must explicitly ask for group membership (opt-in).