Voice Mail

(Also know as: Audix)


Eligible: Employees, Students

Availability:   24 Hours, Daily

Support: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Voice mailboxes allow an employee or student telephone extension to forward to their personal voice mailbox when a call is unanswered.

Eases Routing: Calls flow efficiently to the user mailbox.

Enhanced Communication: A reliable 24-hour option for employees/students to receive telephone calls.

Personal Mailbox: Mailboxes are personal password protected

Automated Attendant: Menu driven recordings for departments with a wide range of services (i.e. Press 1 for catalog information)

Remote Access: 24-hour remote access to mailbox

How to access this service: Dial ext. 5400 (on campus) or 978-837-5400 (off campus)

How to request this service: email [email protected] or call 978 837-3500 (x3500).