Interdisciplinary Institute

Integrating Knowledge Across Disciplines and Fields of Study

Launched in 2016 as a Presidential initiative, the Interdisciplinary Institute brings together faculty across campus and visiting scholars to address complex questions as the nature of bias.

We support teaching, research and scholarly collaborations, seeking to integrate knowledge from more than one field of study.

Multiple Perspectives

To address the pressing and complicated questions of the 21st century, our work combines the research approaches, skills and perspectives of colleagues in all five schools at Merrimack and beyond.

Analyzing Complex Problems in Global Context

Our analysis takes into account the particular context in which an issue or a problem occurs. We seek to address its root causes and effects with attention to social, cultural, political, and socioeconomic conditions across the globe.

Collaboration and Diversity

The institute is a hub for collaboration where we facilitate conversations among Merrimack faculty, students, and staff. We also bring renowned speakers and scholars from around the world to our campus.

At the heart of our work is a deep appreciation and respect for diversity in all of its forms. Our programs encourage faculty and students to engage in conversations across disciplinary, cultural, and political differences to expand their ways of knowing and experiencing the world.

Goals of the Institute

Faculty and students will:

  • have opportunities to become better problem solvers as our unique world is ever changing.
  • learn to work effectively and efficiently with others who have different views and ideas.
  • become motivated to be better activists, learners, communicators and community members.