Mary Teresa Cuzzupe is a senior majoring in criminology and criminal justice, economics, and social justice, with a minor in law, ethics and society. She is a member of the Honors Program, a SEND service trip leader, Concert Band president, Pep Band librarian, and a props designer for the theatre productions on campus. After graduation, Mary Teresa is hoping to pursue a career in nonprofit or government work.

Meghan Demanchykis a junior majoring in political science and women’s and gender studies with a minor in social justice and a concentration in American politics. This semester she is studying at American University in Washington, D.C. and interning with NARAL Pro Choice America and receiving a concentration in American Politics. Meghan is the proud Vice President of Gender Equality at Merrimack (GEM) and a member of Merrimack College Democrats.

Norway Dolan is a senior majoring in human development and human services and women’s and gender studies, with a minor in education. During her time at Merrimack she has been an Orientation Leader, a member of the Honors Program, and an Honors Peer Mentor. She also participated in an international service immersion trip to Peru, spent a semester studying abroad in Sydney, Australia, and was a volunteer for Special Olympics.

Sam Durand is pursuing a major in health schience with minors in biology and chemistry. Sam was a First Year Experience mentor and a biology assistant. She also completed two internships at Pfizer and conducted research in the nutrition and metabolism lab on campus.

Tiana Lawrence is a junior majoring in women’s and gender studies and English, with a minor in communication. She is also a part of the Student Government Association at Merrimack and holds a seat on the Diversity Council.

Leslie Lima is a sophomore pursuing a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering with minors in environmental studies & sustainability and mathematics. Leslie also serves as an Honors peer mentor for first-year students, an ambassador for the admissions office, and the event coordinator for the college’s chapter of the Society of Women Engineers.

Chase Olsen is pursuing majors in physics and mathematics with minors in chemistry and religion & science. Chase also helps run the Observatory and is planning to do a research project this summer, studying supernovas. Originally from Alberta, Canada, Chase was recruited to Merrimack College to play on our Division I hockey team.

Madison Peltier is a senior majoring in business administration with a concentration on corporate finance and investment. She spent a semester abroad in Florence, Italy, was an International Orientation Coordinator, and is a member of the sorority Zeta Tau Alpha.

Stephanie Sartori is a senior majoring in communication and media studies with a minor in theatre. She was a research fellow for two faculty members in the Communications Department, assisting them in evaluating how patients cope during a cancer diagnosis process. She is a member of the Honors Program, Omicron Delta Kappa, Lambda Pi Eta, and the National Society of Leadership and Success. She also serves as public relations officer for the Merrimack pep band, secretary for the concert band, and president of the OnStagers Dramatic Society.

Paige Sorensen is a senior majoring in environmental studies & sustainability and music. She is the first music major at Merrimack College. She has been a part of the Women’s Ice Hockey team, Green Team environmental club, Honors Program, ODK and LSLS honor societies, and multiple music ensembles. Next year, she will be pursuing a Master of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for environmental conservation.

Madison Savage, the graduate fellow at the Interdisciplinary Institute at Merrimack College, is currently completing a Masters of Education in higher education with a capstone focusing on faculty development. She holds a BA in history and a minor art history from the University of Connecticut. As an undergraduate student, Madison spent a semester abroad in Dublin, was president of Kappa Alpha Theta, and participated in HuskyTHON, the largest student-run philanthropy in Connecticut.

Shannon Zelek , a graduate fellow in the O’Brien Center for Career Development at Merrimack College, is currently completing a Masters of Education in higher education with a capstone focusing on first-generation college student career development. She holds a BA in Psychology and Organizational Science from Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. As an undergraduate student, Shannon participated in the student alumni association, sorority and fraternity life, and created two student organizations focusing on community engagement and service opportunities.