Tutoring and Math Center

Tutoring & Math Center at Merrimack

Gain numerical literacy and quantitative skills when you visit the Tutoring & Math Center.

Semester Hours:
Sunday: 4-9p.m.
Monday: 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
Wednesday: 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m.-9 p.m.

McQuade Library, rooms 346-348


The Tutoring & Math Center is drop-in only.  Visit the Merrimack College Tutoring Portal to learn more or join a session!

Visit the Merrimack College Tutoring Portal

978-837-5228 | email

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The Tutoring & Math Center provides a central location where you can collaborate with tutors and your peers to expand your learning opportunities in math and math-related subjects. The center is staffed with peer and professional tutors and provides resources for walk-in participation.

The Tutoring & Math Center offers drop-in, round-robin tutoring. Visit the Merrimack College Tutoring Portal to see what tutoring is available!

Visit the Merrimack College Tutoring Portal

Faculty Recommendations

All math and statistics peer tutors need a recommendation from a faculty member. If you would like to join our staff, please have a professor who can speak about your mathematical knowledge and workplace skill and recommend you using the link below.

Faculty Recommendation Form