Merrimack Service Opportunities
Service opportunities through the Grace J. Palmisano Center for Campus Ministry give Merrimack students the opportunity to embody key aspects of our Augustinian heritage, which emphasizes intellectual, spiritual and personal growth through community life and service to others.
Working Toward Justice
The goal of Merrimack’s service programs is to draw you closer to God while helping others.
- You’ll have access to a diverse array of domestic and international locations.
- You’ll expand your perspective about yourself and your responsibilities to others within the context of a global society.
- You’ll learn how your communal experience of doing service and working toward justice connects with your individual spiritual journey.
Service Programs
Alternative Spring Break
The SEND Program
Here I am, SEND me! (Isaiah 6:9)
SEND trips are student-led opportunities where Merrimack undergraduates volunteer during their winter, spring or summer break to serve and immerse themselves in communities in other states or countries.
Annual Service Programs
Thanksgiving Basket Drive
The Thanksgiving Basket Drive is an opportunity for the Merrimack community to support families without financial resources to have Thanksgiving dinner. Students, faculty and staff donate full Thanksgiving meals to a local church in Lawrence. Volunteers are needed to sort, organize and drive meals to the church.
Christmas Gift Card Drive
The Christmas Gift Card Drive is an opportunity for the Merrimack community to donate gift cards for underprivileged teenagers (13-17 years old) during the Holiday Season.
Lenten Back Pack Drive
Members of the Merrimack Community are invited to assist the Department of Children and Family Services in the efforts to insure the safety and well being of children in foster care by donating back packs filled with items a child might need during emergency relocation.
Sweeps Week
Sweeps Week is an opportunity for Merrimack students to support local nonprofits who help people around the Merrimack Valley. At the end of each academic year, students recycle and donate unused or lightly used clothing, housewares, food and other supplies to support local families in need before returning home.
Post-Graduate Service Opportunities
There are a number of service opportunities available to you upon your graduation.
Donation Opportunities
Back to School Drive (July-August)
Donate a variety of school supplies to underserved children. To donate, you may either:
- Submit a monetary donation online
- Purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist
- Drop off supplies at the Merrimack campus at Monica’s Kitchen, Austin Hall or McQuade Library.
Thanksgiving Basket Drive (October-November)
Help us collect culturally appropriate food items to bring a dignifying Thanksgiving basket to over a hundred families in need in the city of Lawrence and surrounding areas. To donate you may either:
- Submit a monetary donation online
- Purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist
- Drop off non-perishable items on the first floor of the Sakowich Campus Center.
Holiday Toy Drive (November-December)
Make a donation to the annual Hands to Help Holiday Toy Drive to help kids in need during the holiday season. Select toys to donate on our Amazon Wishlist that will be shipped directly to the Hands to Help office in Lawrence.