There are many opportunities for students to become involved in the School of Education and Social Policy. These include:

Criminology Club
Organizes or participates in a wide variety of events, including Career Day, networking opportunities, speaker series and film events, crime lab demonstrations and law-enforcement employment presentations.

Anthony Mastrangelo ’19, President
[email protected]

Karen Hayden, Faculty Advisor
[email protected]

Alyssa Yetter, Faculty Advisor
[email protected]

SEAM: Student Education Association of Massachusetts
A professional student organization, under the Massachusetts Teacher Association (MTA) provides future teachers with opportunities for professional development, student leadership, MTEL preparation, and community outreach, as well as a forum to network with peers, future colleagues, and experienced educators. SEAM membership — available at a discounted price — entitles future teachers to all member benefits, legal services, workshops and conferences. Learn more about becoming a SEAM member here!

Danielle Hersey ’21, President
[email protected]

Dominique Bailey ’21, Vice President

Jessica Melanson ’21, Secretary & Public Relations

Christina Messore ’21, Treasurer

Stephanie Garrone-Shufran, Faculty Advisor

Find us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter!

Kappa Delta Pi
Kappa Delta Pi, one of the largest and most prestigious educational honor societies in the world, is dedicated to the ideals of fidelity to humanity, service, science and toil. Membership is open to education majors with a 3.50 GPA or higher who have completed at least 20 credits at Merrimack and 12 credits within the School of Education and Social Policy. Members are expected to attend at least two organization meetings, fundraisers or events each year.

Stephanie Guy ’19, President

Michaela Shaw ’19, Vice President

Jacklyn Roussin ’19, Secretary

Carly Maddaleni ’19, Treasurer

Anne Gatling, Faculty Advisor

Kate Kurkul, Faculty Advisor

Contact us!  [email protected] or find us on Facebook!

Pi Beta chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Phi Sigma, the national criminal justice honor society, promotes academic excellence, assists in the development of professional and personal leadership among students, provides opportunities for service to the community, and encourages greater communication among members and the entire criminal justice profession. Membership is open to criminology majors and minors who have completed at least the first semester of their sophomore year, taken at least four criminology courses and maintain a 3.40 GPA or above.

Elizabeth Brault, Faculty Advisor
[email protected]


See a complete listing of student organizations at Merrimack College.