She previously worked as a residence director.
Kew is reaching out to landlords and leasing agents to build a portfolio of good, reliable housing options for students and employees. That information, including locations and costs, will be shared online.
“We are finding more and more students coming to campus who want to be part of the Merrimack community,” said Director of Residence Life Cameron Smith. “We want to help find the best location for them, whether on campus or off campus.”
Kew will work with students who choose off-campus housing while ensuring they still feel like an integrated part of the Merrimack community.
The new website is expected to go live before the end of January. It will discuss resources to search for housing, how to budget and what features to consider in roommates. Kew said she will also meet one-on-one with students.
Her office is on the third floor of the Sakowich Campus Center, in Suite 370.