Lynnfield High School Students Visit the Mucci Capital Markets Lab

The AP Economics class learned about the Bloomberg terminals and joined the Merrimack Madness Stocktrak mock stock portfolio competition.

Earlier this month, 14 students from Math and Economics teacher Vincent Mirasolo’s AP economics class were invited to the Merrimack College campus to see and experience first-hand the Mucci Capital Markets Lab. The Lynnfield High School students were given a tour of the lab and an overview of the Bloomberg terminals in order to better understand their extensive capabilities. While working on the Bloomberg terminals, the High School students were entered into the Merrimack Madness Stocktrak competition – in their own category – where they will compete against each other for the remainder of the school year for top returns on their mock stock portfolios.

The High School students also participated in the International Finance class of Lab Director and Professor Mary Papazian. Merrimack finance students offered interactive presentations to help bridge the gap between economic theories learned in the classroom and real examples from within the finance industry.

Papazian, who has extensive experience in foreign exchange and investment banking, recognizes the potential of the lab to showcase the possibilities to the next generation of finance professionals. “We want to get students excited about finance and economics and to assist them in understanding how these concepts impact every industry.  More importantly, we want students to realize that there are many exciting and challenging opportunities for a career in finance,” says Lab Director Papazian.

Merrimack is proud to have the Mucci Capital Markets Lab, which is a vital asset to the growing business school, and is eager to give back by encouraging members of the outside community to experience all that the lab has to offer. For more information on how to connect your youth or HS program with the Lab, contact Mary Papazian at:  [email protected]


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