“The message of the event is you can find a job that lets you do work that is meaningful to you and helps to create a better world,” said Debra Michals, assistant professor and director of Women’s and Gender Studies. “Carmen is going to talk about how she chartered her own path as a WGS major and what it took to get the dream job.”
Rios edits Ms. magazine’s digital editions and writes for its blog. She is not yet 30 and has already achieved national acclaim for her role in the feminist movement and publishing.
“It should be a fun event, a good opportunity for students and faculty to ask questions such as: how does one live a professional and activist life,” Michals said.
Rios’ story demonstrates the value of a liberal arts education, Michals said. Studies show that corporations say they like to hire liberal arts graduates because they can think critically. Rios graduated American University with a degree in Women’s and Gender Studies and Public Communication in 2012.
The snow date is Tuesday, Jan. 29.