Merrimack College Police Department Forms

Please select a Merrimack College Police Department (MCPD) form below.


If you need assistance filling in any of our forms, please contact us at 978-837-5555.

Appeal a Parking Ticket

Complete Parking Appeal Online (Google Form)

Does the Merrimack College Police Department disseminate incident reports to the public?

No. In the interest of maintaining community members’ privacy, the Merrimack
College Police Department does not disseminate incident reports to the public.
Because MCPD is a private police agency, it is not required under the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Public Record Law to disseminate police
reports to the public. The College’s Office of the General Counsel has authorized
the MCPD to provide both theft and accident victims copies of incident reports,
primarily for insurance purposes.

If you are the victim of a theft or have been involved in a motor vehicle accident
on the Merrimack College campus and want to request a report, submit the required form. Requests will be processed and a determination regarding release will be made within 10 days of the request.

Request Police Report for Theft or Accident (Google Form)

Request a Police Detail

Merrimack College police details are required for the following:

  • Any Merrimack event where alcohol will be served or sold
  • Any non-alcohol College-sponsored event where expected attendance is 100 or more people
  • Any non-alcohol event not sponsored by the College where expected attendance is 50 or more people

Request a Police Detail Form (doc)

Report Clery Act Crime (for Campus Security Authorities)

Campus security authorities are federally mandated to report allegations of Clery Act crimes of which they are made aware to the Merrimack College Police Department within 24 hours.

Access Campus Security Authority Reporter (Google Form)

Sign Up for RAVE Alerts

Merrimack College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to offer Rave Alert emergency notification messaging to keep you informed of emergency situations and school closings via phone, email and text alerts to your cell phone.

Sign Up for RAVE Alerts Now

Register for R.A.D. Training

R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) Systems is a comprehensive 12-hour course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, and progresses to the basics of hands-on defense training. R.A.D. is not a martial arts program.

Complete R.A.D. Training Online (Google Form)

Submit a Compliment or Complaint About MCPD

If you wish to file a complaint against the department or one of its employees or submit a compliment, please complete our form. You must sign and return the form within 30 days of the incident. Forms are also available in the front lobby of the Police Department. If you need assistance filling in the form, please contact 978-837-5555.

Submit Compliment or Complaint Form