Sensitive Incidents
The Merrimack College Police Department employs specially trained officers who are dedicated to preventing, responding to and investigating sensitive incidents. Officers work with those who have experienced or witnessed a sensitive incident in order to provide them with the appropriate resources, support and justice.
Sexual Misconduct
Merrimack College and the Police Department are committed to ensuring the safety of our entire community and preventing sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct constitutes acts of personal violation that will not be tolerated, including rape, acquaintance rape, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking and sexual harassment.
These crimes impact victims/survivors medically, emotionally and sexually. The rights and care of the victim/survivor, and of the Merrimack College community, are of primary concern to the College and the Police Department.
Learn More About:
Bias Incident
A bias incident can be any conduct or communication motivated by hatred or prejudice that demeans, degrades, or harasses an individual or group based upon membership in a protected category as recognized by law or Merrimack College policy, including race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, military or veteran status. Merrimack College values diversity, inclusion and an environment free from discrimination and the Police Department is committed to maintaining an environment that is welcoming and respectful to everyone.
Hate Crimes
Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by the offender’s bias toward the victim because the victim is a member of a protected group.
Under the primary Massachusetts hate crime statute, there are three elements of hate crimes:
- Underlying criminal offense: The offender committed an assault or a battery upon the victim or damaged the victim’s property.
- Offender’s intent: The offender acted with the intent to intimidate the victim.
- Victim’s protected characteristic: The offender targeted the victim because of the victim’s race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or other protected characteristic.
Perpetrators of hate crimes can be criminally prosecuted, and in some cases, can also be prosecuted civilly. (
Anyone who has experienced or is a witness to sexual misconduct, a bias incident, or a hate crime is encouraged to report the incident to the Merrimack College Police Department. MCPD has officers who are trained and certified to conduct investigations of this nature with empathy and professionalism.
Off-Campus Victim/Witness Resources
Learn more about non-confidential and confidential reporting of an assault.
If you are a CSA, please use this form to report Clery Act Crimes.
Visit MCPD’s additional resources on sexual assault, consent and what to do if you have been assaulted.