Admission Requirements

Applicants for the M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling must have a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. 

You must also submit the following as part of the application process:

  • Official transcripts
  • Two letters of reference, including at least one non-academic letter that addresses readiness for work in a therapeutic setting
  • Personal Statement
  • Resume, including any clinical work experience


If you have questions about prerequisite coursework, contact the Office of Graduate Admission at [email protected] or 978-837-3563.

Fellowship Position Descriptions

Please note: The following position descriptions represent a sample of all that will be available for CMHC programs. 

Professional Development Assistant, Merrimack College

Position Description

The Professional Development Assistant Graduate Fellow would work within the Psychology Department to assist with the Undergraduate Internship as well as with Professional Development activities. The graduate fellow would work directly with the Internship Coordinator, who is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC). The graduate fellow would act as a course assistant and to further develop both the Internship and Professional Development courses. Outside of the classroom the graduate fellow would also engage in research as well as outreach to community organizations in order to increase available internship opportunities for undergraduate students. The graduate fellow also acts in a mentoring capacity with the students meeting with them one on one. During these meetings with students they will help students by reviewing and giving feedback on cover letters and resumes and also guide the students seeking an internship through the process and give suggestions for internship sites based on the students interests. The grad fellow will also learn about the process of coordinating and developing programming inside and outside of the classroom, including professional development workshops and internship fairs. They would also develop skills to facilitate conversations with students about planning for their chosen professional path.

Responsibilities Include

  • Researching and connecting with local agencies and organizations to increase the number of shadowing and internship opportunities available for undergraduate psychology students.
  • Researching and contacting potential guest speakers for Professional Development courses.
  • Collecting and entering information into the Undergrad Internship Database.
  • Assisting in preparations for special events such as workshops and internship fairs specific to psychology undergraduate students.
  • Meet with students one on one to review professional documents such as cover letters and resumes
  • Facilitating conversations with undergraduate students about career aspirations and creating a plan for their courses, professional experience, and research into any further educational endeavors.
  • Check in with Professional Development and Field Experience: Internship course students and help facilitate group activities and class discussions.
  • Promote student internship opportunities through email, social media and other marketing activities.

Additional Requirements/Qualifications

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, both written and verbal; proficient in the use of social media, Zoom and Google Workspace.
  • Comfortable with community outreach both over the phone, via email and in person.
  • The ability to effectively communicate both one on one and in a classroom setting.
  • The ability to organize, maintain and add to a database of information related to internship opportunities.
  • An understanding of the importance of internship and professional development opportunities for undergraduate students as well an enthusiasm for helping undergraduate students discover their professional and educational
  • Internship experience during time as an undergraduate student.
  • Must be available in the Fall Semester to be on campus on Mondays from 1-3:30pm & Wednesdays from 1-4pm and in the Spring Semester on Wednesdays from 9-4pm with additional meetings on campus on Mondays or Wednesdays or via Zoom with Internship Instructor and undergraduate students on other days of the week(subject to change).

Undergraduate Retention Advisor, Merrimack College

Position Description

The Department of Psychology at Merrimack College is the largest major in the School of Liberal Arts with approximately 75 new majors each year. The primary role of the fellow will be to connect with students in an effort to increase retention. This includes working closely with a dedicated section of Introduction to Psychology for new freshman majors. Another focus will be working with students in Research Methods on aspects of writing where students typically struggle. Below is a list of specific responsibilities and qualifications for the position.

Estimated percentage of work that involves in-person contact with students: 95%

Position Responsibilities

  • Develop materials for student success
  • Resources for successful college transition for new majors
  • Tutorials with associated activities
  • Resources for sophomores/juniors
    • Maximizing your major
    • Career paths
    • Exploring different areas of psychology
  • Assist with pre-advising for freshmen
  • Develop informational resources and be available to talk about classes.
  • Determine the best way to communicate these resources.
  • Coordinating with the other graduate fellow about retention efforts
  • Connect about internship aspects with the other graduate fellow
  • Coordinate with Introduction to Psychology Course
    • Communicate with Peer mentors about students that are of concern (concerns list).
    • Attend a Monday check in meeting
    • Follow what students are doing according to the syllabus as relevant to individual students
    • Join the Google Currents Community to see discussions
    • Introduce yourself to students as a point of outreach
    • Meet with students to discuss their schedules and adjustment to college
    • Create short video response to share with the class
    • Create a student tracking list
    • who you met with, when, any reason for concern?
    • Discuss individualized strategies for time management
    • Consider issues of living, remote vs. in class, commuter, etc.
    • Consider each individual class and workload involved
    • Complete a CARE report if necessary
  • Coordinate with PSY1100W – Inquiry and Methodology course
    • Discuss various assignments with students during office hours
    • Meet with students about writing
  • Hold open office hours for freshmen and sophomores
    • Keep a lot of all interactions and file CARE reports when necessary

Additional Requirements/Qualifications

  • Excellent communication skills with freshmen and sophomores in college
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Proficiency with Google Workspace
  • Ability to maintain spreadsheets
  • Proficient writing skills according to the American Psychological Association
  • Ability to triage students in distress associated with transitioning to College
  • Familiarity with the resources available to students at Merrimack College

Dean and Alumni Scholarships

Dean and Alumni Scholarships are available to students who are not receiving a fellowship. No additional application is needed.

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