Host a Fellow at Your Site

Site Information

The Community Engagement Fellowship Program provides the opportunity for students to complete the Master’s Program in Community Engagement in one or two years while also gaining valuable real-world experience in a wide range of community settings.

One-year fellows complete a nine-month field-based professional experience in a partner site 25 hours per week. Two-year fellows complete a 21-month professional experience, 10 hours per week. Community Engagement Fellows work hand-in-hand with their partner organizations to make a deep and powerful impact in the communities in which they serve.

Site Requirements

Sites pay a financial commitment per fellow to Merrimack College over the academic year. If you have a two-year fellow, the fee is pro-rated over the two years. Fellows receive a full-tuition scholarship in exchange for their service commitment.

Sites identify a supervisor who is the fellow’s primary point person and who is available for regular communication and meetings with the fellow, including weekly face-to-face supervision meetings. We recommend that supervisors are those in mid-level administrative positions with supervisory experience, who are able to commit the time to support the fellow.

Fellowship sites are not necessarily restricted to the Boston area. Any potential fellowship site within the United States is encouraged to apply! Modality options include in-person, hybrid, or remote.

Fellowship Activities

Fellows build capacity in critical areas needed by each organization by providing project-based and overall administrative support such as:

  • researching foundations and writing grant proposals
  • planning special events
  • developing and managing programs
  • developing communications, marketing and social media strategies
  • facilitating diversity initiatives


One-year fellows work from mid-August to mid-May, providing 25 hours per week of service to their organizations over the course of the Fellowship. Two-year fellows provide 10 hours per week of service to their organizations over the course of the Fellowship. All fellowships begin in mid-August.

Support for Sites

  • An orientation for site supervisors, and ongoing meetings for networking and support.
  • A fellowship instructor who will meet regularly with the fellow and the site supervisor.
  • A handbook that provides important information to fellows and site supervisors.
  • On-campus speakers and other opportunities for reciprocity and exchange.
  • Course vouchers – one per semester for site supervisors (one-year site), or one per year (two-year site). Course vouchers are valid for up to two years and may be used toward any available graduate course in the School of Education & Social Policy, and are transferable.